Top 10 Best Selling Personalised Promotional Gifts 2024

Top 10 Best Selling Personalised Promotional Gifts 2024

Already well into the new year and the promotional gift trends are forming for the year. 

Whilst they are very seasonal spring fairs, corporate days, open days at University’s the weather also plays a role. The warmer the weather the more interest in Drinks bottles, when it rains printed umbrellas are very popular. Early New Year when we are being blitz with keep kit messages sports bottles suddenly are in demand.  Reality shows on the media also takes the profile of certain brands of products and delivers demand.  

But so far, the promotional Gift trends are looking like this: 

10 USB drives 

9 Reusable Take Out and Travel Mugs 

Keyring Torches 

7 Mint Cards and Tins 

6 Soft Feel Notebooks 

5 Reusable Sports Bottles 


Cambridge Mugs 

Cotton Shopper Bags 

1  Adgift Ballpen (always a bestseller!) 


If you are a marketer, communicator charity, or organising any event please feel free to contact adgiftdiscounts for a free sample